Count Notification Question

Hey everyone. 

I'm trying to figure out why my automation is firing over and over again...

I have a column that counts daily inspections:

Totals Count,
[Technician] = USEREMAIL(),ISNOTBLANK([Action])
) )

There is an automation that fires when that total hits 100 and then sends a notification. It is working, but then it keeps sending that notification for every record over 100...


I assumed (and my goal was) that this would fire once when the number *equaled* 100, not went over that number...

What am I missing?

0 10 97

Is that a real column or virtual? If real, how does it update? What kind of bot event are you using? Have you tried to inspect the monitor and audit logs for clues?

Hi @Marc_Dillon, thanks for the reply. It is a virtual column. The bot is set to "all changes." I don't see anything noteworthy in the monitor...It fired twelve times before I disabled it...

I could understand if I had set the expression to "greater than 100." Is this somehow an issue because it is a virtual column?

Not sure yet, but the changes in a virtual column's evaluation do not trigger data change events. What table is the event on, and what data change is triggering it?

The table used in the bot is my main table of assets that holds unique IDs, timestamps, etc...The virtual column in the expression is a filtered count from a different table (a "history" table) that has been working fine. It is counting the number of timestamps that match a technician's name to his email and filtering down to "today."

Sorry if I'm not giving enough detail. I didn't want to flood the thread with screenshots or over-complicate things. Also don't want to under-complicate, so please let me know.

Ok, so how is the bot being triggered then?

The bot is watching for all changes to the "Daily Total" column, which is the virtual column of type "number" that gives a filtered count of "today's" inspections, and is supposed to send a notification when that column equals 100. Again, sorry if I am missing your meaning.

As I said, reevaluations of virtual columns do not trigger bots. There has to be something else triggering it, a real data change.

Sorry, yes I understand that. I was confused that it *is* working, though, and wondered why and if it could be adjusted to do what I really wanted. 

You should build a bot with an all-changes event on the "Totals Count" table. Use your same VC expression directly in the event condition, with the equality to 100.

Thanks for the tip! I will try it out and report back.

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