Count of "At Risk" Labels

I am not sure how to do this but this is what I am looking for.

"Main" table has all the the information about the customer

"At Risk" table has certain criteria if the customer meets them they get an "At Risk" indicator in a virtual field labeled "At Risk"

The two tables are referenced by a "Customer ID" field that is the same in both tables.

On the main table I would like to have a virtual field named "Count of at risk" that will count how many labels a customer has in the "At Risk" table and return that count to the main table with how many. Any ideas?

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0 6 89

Whoops! I forgot something!


    [Related At Risks][_ROWNUMBER],
    ("At Risk" = [At Risk])


View solution in original post


So something like this COUNT(Select[CUST ID], At Risk[At Risk])

Thats not working though

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

In the main table, is there a system-provided Related At Risks virtual column? Is so, your virtual column in the main table can be as simple as:

COUNT([Related At Risks])

That got me closer but there are several items there but only a few are tagged with "At Risk"

The one I was checking had 14 items listed but only 6 were tagged as "At Risk" so the count returned 14

No problem!

  [Related At Risks][_ROWNUMBER],
  ("At Risk" = [At Risk])


The first part works but when I add ("At Risk" = [At Risk]) it gives an error that Count function is used incorrectly. Sorry for the bother

Whoops! I forgot something!


    [Related At Risks][_ROWNUMBER],
    ("At Risk" = [At Risk])


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