Count of students on a table

I have a table named "Reports" that is ref to another table named "main" that contains most of the data I would like a count for.  On my reports table I have a field named "Active Students" and "Dropped Students"

I would like a formula to give me a count of how many active students that are from a school that is selected on the form for the reports table. The field that determines if they are active or dropped is named "tag" I have tried

SELECT(main[Student Name],[School Name] = [School]

The code is valid but not what I need to get. I have tried different variations and they is always some error. I need something like this. Give me a count of students from "main" where their school name = reports[school]

Any ideas?


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I am trying this code and am still getting 0

select (main[Student Name], ([School] = main[School name], TRUE))

Any ideas?

It says the code is good nd the statements seem to be what I want but the result is still 0



That the code has no errors doesn't mean it will do what you need.

Check the link I provided above

I have ready that link many many times and still im not getting it, look at my screenshot and to me that seems correct of what I want but still it shows 0

My link included the id of the "troubleshoot" section, are you sure you read that?

I did for another time and when I add [_THISROW] it gives me all the students in the the district, not just the school selected.

Please copy here the expression with [_THISROW]

I suggest you to use the codeblock stuff 

"Ruby is the best looking for AppSheet expressions"




select(main[Student ID], (Reports[School] = main[school name], TRUE)) 

Could it be because one field was enum and the other was enum list?

That for sure changes things, and you are not using [_THISROW] neither

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