Create Copy of Sent Email in a Log Table

I have several BOTS setup that send an email for specific items. Some of these items would be considered more severe in nature and I was hoping to create an email log on these.

I know that I can add an extra step in my bot that would create an entry in a different table, however I have not figured out how I could create a PDF document of the exact email that was sent in the prior step. I suspect the workaround would be to the attachment feature and checking 'ArchiveAndDoNotAttach' and choosing the same template as used for the email as the attachment as well. The obvious limiting factor on this would be that the To/From/CC/BCC fields are missing and the timestamp that is generated within the email.

Does anybody have any examples of how they integrated something like this?

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What I do in the same situation is just to have the log be a text based summary of the email body.  Because for me the log table is there solely to show the app user a) that the email was sent b) the rough contents of the email.

What I do with every Bot on every app I create is to BCC myself in on all emails sent.  Not only does this meet your requirements but its extremely useful when diagnosing issues that maybe happened weeks ago.

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