Create an assigned_to column to manage data access and restriction concatenating value in a list

PREMISE: i've setup a login/registration system that populate a slice of [users] named [current_users] that contain only 1 record, the id_users and email of the current logged in users. so accessing [current_users].[id_users] INDEX 1 result in the current logged in id_users.

I would create a [table].[assigned_to] column to store the [users].[id_user] that are allowed to retrieve the data. This column must contain a list of allowed user that can be updated or changed to assign some [table] record to different user.

I've created a good system to track "created_by, updated_by, data_creation and data_update" combining initial value and app formula to store the timestamp and id_user of who create and update the record. 

Now what i would do (and what i'm able to create in any programming language) will be some similar to this:


[assigned_to] is a list type 

when a record is created current [id_user] is stored in the assigned_to

a privileged user can add more [id_user] to the list to assign the record to other users.

In appsheet i've found this option:

[assigned_to] is an EnumList type

valid value is [users].[id_user]

suggested value is [user].[id_user]

initial value is [current_users].[id_users] (who create is the first assigned_to

now what i would try in the app formula (so computed on edit) is to check if [current_user].[id_user] is in  the list itself and if not add it.

Here "current_user" is INDEX(current_user[id_user],1), for semplicity i will refer it as "current_user"

So check if current user is in this field, if not this field become a list of this field and the new value of current_user. If the current_user is just in the list, this field become itself. 

SPOILER > this does not work. 


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Ok after a lot of throuble:


This is crazy. enumlist type must be converted in LIST type (!! is just a list comma separated !!) , after that it must be converted in TEXT type to be passed with LIST() function. BTW i CANT manually edit this field because it has an app formula, so i think i need to use a different approach:

use and assign_to field to select the users (enum type), and an assigned_to where use the formula above to store the users assigned list...

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