Create new row in another table using "brother" table.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Good morning to all๐Ÿ˜Š

I'm a little stumped, I've been thinking about it all weekend and can't seem to get a handle on it, so please lend me your wisdom.


I have 4 tables like the atacched.

What I would need is to create action botton in the Child-1 detail view.

Child-1 has a Parent and the Parent has another child "Child-2".

In the Child-1 table, I made virtual colum "To Child 2" with the expression

[Parent id].[Related Child-2s]


I would like to put action button on each row of inline "To Child 2",

so that the new record is created in the Record table.

However I can't make a button that works๐Ÿ˜ฃ








Thanks in advence.


0 1 47

If you want the action to be available from Child 2 rows, then you need to make the action on the Child 2 table. If you did that already, then I suggest post a screenshot of your action's properties; that may help others identify why the action doesn't appear as you expect.

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