Create record from Dashboard view

Bronze 5
Bronze 5


I have trouble with dashboard view.

Is there any way to achieve the following requirement??



  1. Equipment number table
  2. Check point table
  3. Combination record table

*Tables are independent and not ref with each other.



  1. Dashboard view with deckview from table 1, and table 2, and detail view of table2.
  2. Detail view of table 3



In the dashboard, select each one row in table 1, table 2 sepalately,

then record the selection to table 3.


Thanks in advance!




0 6 127

@ism wrote:

Combination record table

@ism wrote:

then record the selection to table 3.

I think you may want to elaborate the above two statements. 


Hello @Suvrutt_Gurjar  😃

There are 3 views in the dashboard.

User will select one row form Equip number table, 

another one row form Check point table.

Then press some action button to create new record in the Combination record table.





Thank you for the details. I believe that is not currently possible.



Thank you for your reply.

I might propose it to the Appsheet as a New feature Idea.

Sure, please go ahead.

There could be a way to accomplish this though it may not be very elegant.

  • Create a table, say SELECTION, that stores the key values of Equip number and Check point with one row per user (useremail as key, ref to Equip num, ref to Check point)
  • Create an action on Equip num and Check point respectively that stores the selected row's key value in SELECTION. Fire these on the row selected event.
  • On SELECTION, create an action to add a row to the target table using the stored key values to retrieve necessary data.
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