Creating an appsheet for client monthly billing

I have a business checking houses where there are add-on fees for various services. I use a Google Form for each client that identifies billable events. I would like to populate a billing summary at the end of each month that shows all the client billable events to include in their invoice. I have over 70 clients, each with their own form, each form is basically the same question and format but the form is titled based on the client name. I have created a unique QR code for each form. How do I go about building an appsheet for this. Thank you for your assistance and help!


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That is a very loaded question!!  LOL.

An AppSheet App will definitely give you the ability to simplify and automate many of the aforementioned processes in the business.

There will be  a learning curve as I can envision that you will need some moderate to advanced level implementations to take full advantage of what AppSheet can do for you.

Being brand new to AppSheet, I would recommend  starting with this article App Design 101 

It will give the beginning basics.  Focus on the "Define your entities" and "Build your spreadsheet" areas and make sure you understand them.  Getting off a good start will help make the app  implementation go smoothly.  Anything can be changed as you go. 

This is just a start.  Just so you know what to look forward to here are some items to address your specific mentions:

Forms - You'll be able to create the input Form(s) in AppSheet.  You may only need one as the input fields can be configured. 

Billing Summary - There are 2 ways to handle this, create a process that runs at the end of the month, collects all entries and then produces a report or invoice.  I prefer to build in a Summary View so that you have up to the day Summary info, always, and when it comes to the end of the month, the process to create the report/invoice is much more simplified.

Invoice - Through the use of templates, AppSheet can generate PDF reports and/or Invoices that, with a little effort and attention to detail look extremely professional.

QR codes - AppSheet can scan QR codes but in your case I think you are using it to navigate to the Form(s).  You can still continue using QR codes and have them launch into the AppSheet Form(s).  And you can continue with 70+ QR Codes which can launch into the From with pre-initialized fields to give that custom appearance.  Depending on how similar the Form entries are across clients, you may be able to simplify this to a single Form and then simply select the Client that will then expand into a customized version for that client.

Bottom line is that AppSheet has the flexibility to help you build the app you need.  There will be a learning curve, especially for the more advanced items and it will take some time but you can build an awesome app to help your business move forward.  This Community is here to help you all along the way.

I hope this helps and happy coding!

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

This Community is here to help you all along the way.

This is the way

Extremely well said @WillowMobileSys 

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