Creating back office for reports and analytics

HI there,

I am very new to AppSheet and I have seen the usefulness. My concern is that creating reporting and analytics for clients and the way to present it like thru the web-base. If it is not possible, what other ways that could show the activity reports only for specific person?

If using google sheet what is the better ways of how to show the activity reports and analytic. Dont mind if there are some coding involves.

thank you


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Hi @robert958, welcome!

It’s easy to make web-based apps & dashboards for your team (or just specific people). Any app you’re building in AppSheet can also be opened in any browser, just visit ‘Users > Links’ to find the browser link to your app.

Here are some examples of web-based apps - I’d check out the ‘Inspection Analytics’ app for an example of an analytics dashboard:

Hi Peter

Wow!! That is awesome… would my client be able to access that? By the way, the URL I still can see the “…”. Would that be possible not to be seen?


  1. The appstore publish custom apps(customer design app) would it generate an APK?
  2. If a solution created for the client how would they be able to access the an analytics dashboard? If no, is there anyway? or recommendation?

thank you


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