Currency symbol

New Member

How can I set the currency symbol to the right side of the number with whitespace between them?
Something like this โ€œ1 000 HUFโ€?

1 6 1,282
  • UX

I have a similar requirement; I'd like to display the Euro symbol to the right of the numbers (as is commonly done).  There seems to be no way to do this in Appsheet as the default option places the symbol to the left of the numbers. 

Is there a trick I'm missing, or is this a feature request I need to submit?

I believe currently you can use currency symbol as preffix only.

As a workaround if you are willing to create a VC , you could try below

1. In the form view create the [Price] column without currency symbol but yoou could mention the currency symbol in the column display name itself

Example below 

Show_if for this column CONTEXT("ViewType")="Form",  Column Type- Price


For displaying this price column in detail and table views

Create a VC with column name [Price V] , Display Name "Price", Column Type -Text

Expression for this VC -  CONCATENATE([Price], " โ‚ฌ")

Show_if for this VC   OR (CONTEXT("ViewType")="Detail" , CONTEXT("ViewType")="Table")

It will show as below in table and detail views

Detail view


Table View



A feature idea is already in place for this. Please upvote ( like) it.

Thanks for the detailed reply.  I thought that I would have to go the virtual column route.  

I've upvoted the feature request that you highlighted

Thank you.  You may want to post back if you used the suggested approach . Any future readers of the post thread could  find it useful as this could be a common requirement in geographies that need to use curreny symbol as suffix after price numerals.

The application is missing many active ISO 4217 currency codes.

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