Custom Launcher on mobile not working

Hello! We have implemented a custom AppSheet Launcher where we have bundled all our production AppSheet-Apps. It provides the users with a nice overview and they are just one click away from the Apps they need. So far, so good!

However, the Launcher doesn't seem to work with a specific App on mobile. When we try to open the App from the Custom Launcher on a Smartphone, we get an "App failed" error. 

We are not sure what the problem could be. The link that we provided in the backend of the Custom Launcher is the "Share Browser Link"-link from when you click the "share App" button, since the launcher should be primarily used in the browser. But it would be nice if it was working flawlessly on mobile devices as well. 

Does anyone know any possible fixes? Or is it a known Bug in the Custom Launcher? I haven't found a solution yet. 

Thanks in advance!


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Use a LINKTOAPP() navigation action instead of the browser app URL.

Thanks for answering and sorry for my late answer!

The Link to the App is in a Google-Sheet Cell. The LINKTOAPP() navigation sadly does not work there. Or at least I can't seem to make it work

You would enter the name of the app into the sheet cells, then the nav expression would be LINKTOAPP( [app_name] )

As I wasn't sure whether to use the []-brackets or not, I first tried it with the brackets and got a "Website is not available"-error.
Then I tried it without the brackets and nothing happened when I clicked on the corresponding image in the launcherโ€”neither an error nor the navigation to the App.

I can't tell what it is exactly that you're not understanding here. Please provide screenshots of your data and setup.

Yeah that's fair!
I blacked some things out.

So we have a Launcher-App where multiple AppSheet-Apps, but also other platforms (GDrive, Sheets, etc.) are linked. When you click on the images you will get directed to these platforms
Screenshot Launcher geschwรคrzt.png

The underlying Sheet has the Name, the URL and other columns.
Screenshot Sheets geschwรคrzt.png

In fldAppLink there used to be the link you get from the "Share App" Button in the AppSheet-Editor and it worked on desktop but didn't work on mobile.
Now I changed it to "LINKTOAPP()" as you suggested but either nothing happens (without the []-brackets around the App-Name), or I receive a "Website not found" error. 
Screenshot LinktToAPp geschwรคrzt.png

  1. Remove/ignore the fIdAppLink column.
  2. Create a new action on that nav table in the app.
    1. Type: "app: go to another appsheet app"
    2. Target: LINKTOAPP( [fIdAppName] )
    3. Prominence: Do not display
  3. Set this action as the row-select behavior for the launcher View.

Good idea, but there are also non-Appsheet-Platforms (like a link to GoogleDrive, link to SAP, etc) linked in the Sheet. These would not have an AppName and we couldn't link to those with LINKTOAPP().

Add a [type] column into the nav table. Run a grouped action on row select instead, where 1 sub-action is the action described above, with condition of [type]='appsheet app', and a 2nd sub-action for launching the other URLs with condition of [type]<>'appsheet app'.

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