Custom format Complicate Issue

Hi everyone,

 I need your help please suggest me how can i fix this complicate issue.

before applying Screenshotbefore applying Screenshot

after appledafter appled

1 4 103

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Sirfyaad 

This looks like a Google Sheets issue, not AppSheet.


Function is showing correct but not working.


Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

There is not enough information then.

Your column is supposed to have a fixed number of figures ? If so, you may need to use type Text, although it probably won't be enough.

Your expression from the AppSheet's expression editor attracts my attention too:

I would write instead:

(with quote marks)

Also, on your Google Sheets, you may prefer setting the column format number with "Text".

Also, if this is supposed to be a key-column, you may definitely prefer using a combination of letters and figures.

Can you provide more information on your data structure (Data>Columns) ? Screenshots are best.


I've encountered this before;  it's an G-Sheet issue

It typically happens when you're storing a number inside a text column.

Inside Google Sheets:

  1. Select the column with the numbers
  2. Change the Type to Number



I think after you make that change, the cell's that are currently there will continue to have that leading apostrophe....  If so, you'll need to do a little spread-sheet formula magic to remove the character. Not hard, just extra work you have to do to get things right.

But once things are put right, and the column in your G-Sheet has the correct type, the new data entered into the column shouldn't have that apostrophe.


This highlights the necessity of conforming your sheet column types to the correct type IN GOOGLE SHEETS.

  • Most people skip this, as google sheet's "auto type" default is really good usually; it just carries with it some extra baggage is all. (^_^)


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