Hello everyone,
I have a problem while entering data.
If I start writing a new row of data in a form while it is still synchronizing the previous row (Automatic updates โœ…), as soon as the synchronization finishes, the data I entered gets erased and I have to start over. This didn't happen some time ago.
How can I fix this issue?

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@lucabizzotto wrote:

the data I entered gets erased and I have to start over

Please elaborate what yo mean by this.  Is the data erased in the Form BEFORE saving?  Is the data saved and then disappears?

@lucabizzotto wrote:

This didn't happen some time ago.
How can I fix this issue?

Have you implemented any Security Filters?  If so, it is possible for a user to insert a row that will briefly show in the app until the next Sync is performed where the Security Filters remove it.   Confirm that your row is not be subjected to this behavior.

Lastly, check the data source.  Are the rows being entered showing up there at all?



thank you for the answer,

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Please elaborate what yo mean by this.  Is the data erased in the Form BEFORE saving?  Is the data saved and then disappears?

Yes, the data is erased in the Form BEFORE saving

I noticed that as soon as the synchronization of the previous row finishes, the text I am typing into the form disappears and I have to start over.
This happens while I am inside the form and have not saved yet.

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Have you implemented any Security Filters? 

So far I have not used security filters, but I do use slice.

@lucabizzotto wrote:

the text I am typing into the form disappears and I have to start over.

I am inclined to think there is something you have implemented that is affecting the Form.  Maybe some automation that is being triggered that changes data of the Slice the Form relies on. 

For a Text column to be cleared in the middle of entering the Text in a NEW Row would imply that there is an Initial Value expression implemented that is using/relying on some data list that is being changed.

Can you show us the column definition and any properties you have inserted expression into?


@WillowMobileSys wrote:

For a Text column to be cleared in the middle of entering the Text in a NEW Row would imply that there is an Initial Value expression implemented that is using/relying on some data list that is being changed.

I tried deleting the initial value formulas (and also a show if formula), but the problem is still there (I don't delete the initial value formula for Yes/No data like "No" or "Yes").

I found a new trick: if I can finish writing before the previous line finishes synchronizing, the data does not disappear.

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Can you show us the column definition and any properties you have inserted expression into?

It would be difficult to show you every column, I try to explain it.

Initial value formula for column "Descrizione"

any(sort(select(righe ordine[Descrizione];[Codice Articolo]=[_THISROW].[Codice Articolo], true),true))

I want to an automatic fill for column TEXT "Descrizione" if "Codice Articolo" of this row is the same as a previous one.


Initial value formula for YES/NO "NC"

IF([_thisrow].[Nome Cliente].[Codice]="99999",Yes,No)

Initial value formula for REF "Fornitore"

if(isblank([Fornitore])=true; any(select(righe ordine[Fornitore];[Codice Articolo]=[_THISROW].[Codice Articolo]));[_thisrow].[Fornitore])

Inserts the name of "Fornitore" present in a previous row if it finds the same "Codice Articolo" as this row.


Show if value formula for SHOW "SezioneRimpiazzato"

"Righe Ordine",
([Codice Articolo] = [_THISROW].[Codice Articolo]),
([ChangeRimpiazzato] >= (TODAY() - 2))

Show me this row only if column CHANGE TIMESTAMP "ChangeRimpiazzato" of a previous row with the same "Codice Articolo" is change within 2 days

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