Hi Team,

I used to run a translate for each data column name from English to French in case end-users opt for one of them with this code > IF([_THISUSER].[Language Option] = "French", "Nom" , "Last Name")

I was wondering how to do same for the column data parameters 'enum type' for each listed item. use case scenario is . user A access app , opt for French , all translated except the items listed under column with enum or enumlist so user A ends up by not understanding listed items in columns.

Hope its clear. Is there a way to fix this ?  Please help.

Thanks !

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  1. Set up another table to hold the available enum options
  2. Provide at least 3 columns, a key value, an English version, and a French Version.
  3. In the app, add in a virtual column to the new table that selects which version to use based on [_THISUER].[Language Option]. Set this VC as the Label
  4. Back in your original enum column, change it to a Ref (or Enum->Ref) pointing to the new table.

Thanks much @Marc_Dillon .  Trying out now !

Just run a test but couldn't work, let me know if i did something wrong >

1. i set up a new table with 3 columns [ID, French , English] and listed all values under each 

2. VC setup with this formula > SELECT(enumtransl[French], ([_THISUSER].[Language Option] = "French"), TRUE)  .  My table name is enumtransl.

3. i made VC the label and run a ref back in initial table.

Result > i see discarded list of items when language option is set for French. image below 



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