Daily List of Employee Attendees in Meetings

Hello Appsters,

We have a common Gcalendar as a table source in our app, we also have a table for our employees’ list.

Table A - Google Calendar
Table B - Employee List

I’d like to be able to show the next workday that an employee is not an attendee to any meetings in a field in Table B.

Would also be great to see a related list of employees not attending meetings on any given day.

Thanks in advance for your ideas on this.


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You could create a slice on table “Employee List” with an expression something like

NOT( IN([Email], SPLIT(SELECT(Google Calendar Table Name[Attendees], OR(DATE([Start])=TODAY(), DATE([End])=TODAY())), “,”)))

This slice will list all the emplyees who are not in any meeting on today’s date. TODAY()+1 will give tomorrow’s list. The user will need to sync the app from time to time to get the latest list.

For other dates or a user settable variable date range, you may need to either use USERSETTINGS() or have a user table for each user’s date settings.

View solution in original post


You could create a slice on table “Employee List” with an expression something like

NOT( IN([Email], SPLIT(SELECT(Google Calendar Table Name[Attendees], OR(DATE([Start])=TODAY(), DATE([End])=TODAY())), “,”)))

This slice will list all the emplyees who are not in any meeting on today’s date. TODAY()+1 will give tomorrow’s list. The user will need to sync the app from time to time to get the latest list.

For other dates or a user settable variable date range, you may need to either use USERSETTINGS() or have a user table for each user’s date settings.

This is just what I was after thank you.

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