Dashboard view only on compter

is there a way to make the dashboard view only show up on a computer and not a mobile device?

0 8 559
  • UX

UX>View>Display>Show If:

Hi ! Can you explain how Context(Host) especially works please ? Can I try Context(Host)=mobile ? Thanks !

The correct formula is Context("Host")=Mobile, it recognize the tipe of device is used to open the app. 

There is also Context("View") and Context("viewtype"). 

@devappm wrote:

Can you explain how Context(Host) especially works please ? Can I try Context(Host)=mobile ? Thanks !

Please refer to the help article - CONTEXT()

I believe the correct expression is:

Context("Host") = "Device"   --  other options are "Browser" and "Server"

NOTE:  Quotes are mostly optional but there are places where omitting them can cause trouble tat can take hours before it is realized that quotes are needed.  I ALWAYS use them to avoid any such problem areas.

My mistake i apologies. ๐Ÿ˜€

Not a problem.  I've made many wrong statements over the years.  that's what's so good about this Community - we have each others back...to make sure we all understand how build apps correctly!!

Many thanks to both of you @Ceke @WillowMobileSys  for this great help. Itโ€™s cool to see a community working so well !

awesome! thanks

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