Dashboard view with Tabs in Desktop/Tablet

Is it possible to display the Dashboard View with Tabs in Desktop/Tablet similar to that in Mobile.

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  • UX

I think the new desktop view mode is almost equivalent to selecting views by tabs. Meaning there are view icons on the left side and the user can select the desired view. 

Will that not work for you?

Thank you for the reply @Suvrutt_Gurjar What you said is correct. I open the view (Dashboard) from the left side icons. But once i open the view it display all 4 views inside the Dashboard View together as individual small windows with scroll bars (content inside each view is NOT displayed fully when all are displayed together). What I want is to have a similar option as in Mobile Device in which these are shown as Tabs inside Dashboard View. 

Hi @jyothis_m 

Okay, will this do ? This is tablet view of the dashboard.

Tabs Dashboard.gif

The below is desktop view. So basically the view on the left selects the tabs and right hand side displays the tab. The right hand side is not as big as a full screen but better than 4 views  being shown simultaneously.



This is great. I think we need to create another Table for this right? Can you please explain how you did it. Also is it possible to limit this view only for Tablet while Mobile will have normal Dashboard with Tabs

If you already have Users' table with one row for each user, then additional table is not necessary. You could add an enum column ,  called say [Select_View] in that table with all the view names you wish to display in the dashboard as enum options.

Then in the show_if of each view you could have an expression something like 


to show the "Products" view and so on.

You could use Current_User system by @MultiTech for current row selection based on user.

All the views need to be included in the dashboard view. Also a detail view on the Users table based on slice with slice filter expression [Email]= USEREMAIL() needs to be added in the dashboard. This detail view with enum button will always show( Please enable quick edit on this column) and other views in the dashboard based on enum selection.

To show this dashboard only in desktop mode, please try CONTEXT("Host")="Browser" in show_if of dashboard view.

Please test if this works for tablet also.

Please note show_if on views merely hides view names, the data reaches the user's device. So please ensure this is just selection mechanism for views and not as a data access control for different users.

Thanks a lot ๐Ÿ˜Š @Suvrutt_Gurjar Shall try this method

@Suvrutt_Gurjar thank you for this! I just re-created it to make my app more user-friendly, and ran into a little issue - the boxes on the dashboard view keep re-sizing and re-positioning, meaning if I select a different "Fake-Tab", the boxes e.g. jump to the left or right, get broader, etc.

In the screen recording you posted this is not happening, so I'm wondering if you have any idea how to prevent this behaviour/freezing the dashboard boxes in place.

I believe, we may not have 100 % control on how the constituent views in the dashboard appear, especially if there are multiple views of similar sizes.. But you could select some appropriate sizes of those views for a better chance of them staying put. 

For example in the screenshot I shared,  if one can have the left hand side selection view as "Tall" and right hand sides "Products" as "large", the dashboard may stay put.




Aaaah now it all stays put. A pity that the "tall" option still appears rather wide (wider than a simple navigation menu needs to be), but it'll do. Thanks again!

This is awesome! I wish that Google would finally include global vars in Appsheet though (independent of a table or user settings) to handle this sort of thing so you don't have the data syncing going on everytime you change the Select_View.

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