Data Consolidation: Concatenate appsheet tables, from 3 different apps, in one table for supervision

I have three separate AppSheet apps, each serving specific purposes or departments within my organization. These apps have their own tables but all sharing the same structure and datasets that are crucial for individual operations. However, for various reasons, I now require a centralized approach to manage and analyze data across all these apps. This centralization is necessary for holistic reporting, decision-making, or to create a unified view of the data, for another supervisory KPI appsheet app.

My challenge is to find an efficient way to combine the data from these three separate apps into a single, consolidated source. The consolidation should ideally be automated, allowing for up-to-date and real-time data synchronization.

I am exploring various options to achieve this consolidation, but couldn't find anything ๐Ÿ˜ž

Ultimately, my goal is to have a single source of truth that combines data from multiple AppSheet apps, ensuring that I have access to complete and accurate information for improved efficiency and informed decision-making across my company.

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Main concern is wether you want to edit the data through this supervision app, or just want a read-only app.

If it's the later, you can create a sheet with tables unifying your three apps tables and sync data using app script, then using it for your Sauron's eye app.

~~ Else instead of app script, you can achieve the same thing in Sheets using something like : 

={IFERROR(FILTER('Table1'!A3:A, LEN('Table1'!A3:A) > 0),"");IFERROR(FILTER('Table2'!A3:A, LEN('Table2'!A3:A) > 0),"")}


If you want to edit the data, you may consider using one single app and manage who can see what with Slices or security filters, should be the easiest if your apps already have the same structure ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 

Else you will have to go through automations I guess.



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