Data For Virtual Column NOT appearing a Table View?

To get over the [bug/feature!] that labelled fields do not output any data in a Table I have create virtual field using the date form the Labelled field.

Virtual [Img 1] with formula of [Image 1]

Great  but I only wanted this to appear in the Table view so I added

Show:  CONTEXT("ViewType") = "table"

To my horror, the column name appears in the table view but not the actual data!

Surely this is another BUG ? (Feature!)


0 4 93

The workaround to this is to use the following SHOW formula instead.

NOT(IN(CONTEXT("ViewType"), LIST("detail", "form")))

But still, the bug could do with with fixing.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Absolutely none of this makes any sense to me. What in the world are you talking about? "To get over the [bug/feature] ..." what?

Sorry @Steve 

 Ignore my rant on [bug/feature].... it's just because some users on here are happy to accept what I consider a bug in AppSheet because it's just been designed that way. It's a long story...

The crux of the matter is there is a bug on exporting to CSV files.

If a field is designated as a LABEL field, the data does not appear whne exported to CSV

Its easy to test.

1 Create a table with say and Image field, and designate it as a LABEL.

2 Create a table view with an ACTION to export the data to CSV.

3 You will see the column designated as a LABEL in the CSV is blank.

4 Now, Change the field definition so it's not a label and redo the export. The data appears in the CSV column!

Note. When trying to implement a workaround for the behaviour described above, I discovered another bug, which I implemented another workaround for.


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@CaptainEon wrote:

it's just because some users on here are happy to accept what I consider a bug in AppSheet because it's just been designed that way.

Yep, that'd be me.

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