Data Source get overwritten

Hi everybody,

I worked hard last 3 days to figure out how to set up a blank field to let users recall data from my sources simply digiting a code. Solutions I tried are Quick edit colums via Detail view (though not always that option works... most of the times clickin on the Quick edit button in the Legacy editor does nothing) and Form views.

In both cases, I'm struggling in the attempt to void the code selection overwrites the original record in my Google Sheet source, i.e. when I choose the - let's say - "100" code, instead of just showing up the other columns connected to such code the code itself get overwritten. 

How could I void this? Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance

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Whenever you edit a value that appears in a view, you are editing the data source--i.e., the value in the corresponding column of the table that the view is based on.

It sounds like you need an additional table where a user can select an available Code value, which then filters the information from your existing table. This is often accomplished via a Users table, sometimes in conjunction with an action using the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW function or an dashboard view, perhaps in interactive mode.

Hi dbaum,

Thanks for your reply: I set up a new table with a Sheets source that replicates the codes from the original sheet, in order to build a filter between the two;

Now, I'm stuck at the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW action setting up, since I'm encountering this error:

Data action 'Selezione Codice' uses an invalid value expression '=LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("Codice assistito", (codici[/codice/] = [Codice assistito]))'. Cannot compare List with Text in (codici[/codice/] = [Codice assistito])
Both columns ("Codice assistito" from the database table and "/codice/" from the replicated table") are setting up as a Text type, to allow users recall those codes within a form submission and filter the attached values: should I opt fot an Enum, List or EnumList type instead?
Otherwise, what I'm doing wrong?
Please note that at this development stage I'm the only user to have access to the app.
Thanks a million for any other reply,

@Rupert wrote:


This part of the expression returns a list (while "[Codice assistito]" returns a single text value). If the "Codice assistito" view referenced in your LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW function is based on the "codici" table, then there's no need to reference it in the function's filter argument. Try instead:

[/codice/] = [Codice assistito]

Also, it's uncommon to include the slash character in column names. Potentially, that's disrupting AppSheet processing somewhere along the way.

Hi again dbaum, and sorry for the late answer.

At the end I solved my first trouble using Table Views to list the records and filter them with the Search feature. Then I encountered another trouble: along with the overwritten rows with the data added in the Google Sheet I created for this aim (which I guess is fixable with a correct use of UNIQUEID() properties; I'm hardly studying this...), I do have a similar problem with the columns within the row itself:

Set correctly the actions' effects "data: add a new row to another table usign values from this row", the Google Sheet got a single row that should collect and display data in columns A to F from the first Table View input, data in columns G to K from the second Table View input, and so on. Tough when I test those inputs, data retrieved from each action erase the previous columns.

How could I make the actions collect those data in the same row?

I tried to understand if there's a way to use the UNIQUEID() even to the columns of a same row, but still the UNIQUEID() property is not working that good even with my rows... 

Now, like the previous time the solution I found seems trivial ๐Ÿ˜…

Working around the UNIQUEID() I discovered my mistake: it has to be set as an Initial Value, not as a Formula. I said trivial because there's no apparent need to collect data in the same row, since having all those inputs in my spreadsheet means the possibility to work with (with a CONCATENATE formula or something, yet to be studied but nothing I worry about)

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