Data does not show up

Hello forum members

My data shows up on the View Source, but does not show up on the AppSheet and on the View Data.
Would you be able to help me?
Thank you.

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Hello Steve
I’ve been working around and I seem to have made it work.
But, I don’t understand why this works.
First, I went to the Data pane - chose Columns.
Then, I have 13 name columns such as inch HG, ATM, PSI, and so on.
Then, I clicked on one of them and scrolled down to Auto Compute and chose Spreadsheet formula, where I typed =‘Matrix Default’!C2*Matrix!B2.
Then, I saved it and went back to it, and deleted it.
I repeated this for the remaining name columns.
Now, all the name columns appear on my app and are functioning as expected.

Do you know what this Spreadsheet formula actually does?
My Excel worksheet has many formulas on each cell.

Thank you.

View solution in original post


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Are you using a slice or security filter?

Hello Steve
Thank you very much for looking into this.
I am not using either.
My data (Excel) is in the Dropbox.
This has nothing to do with this odd behavior, does it?
Thank you.

No, it does not.

When you say it shows up on view source, do you mean you are clicking the View Source button from the table’s configuration screen in the app editor?

Hello Steve
Thank you again.
Yes, I clicked the View Source button from the table’s configuration screen in the app editor.
My previous screenshots were all taken by clicking buttons from the app editor.
So, the data (Excel) exists and AppSheet editor can read.
But it does not show on the app screen, which is quite strange.
Thank you.

I agree, it is quite strange! I’m afraid I’m out of ideas, so I’m going to refer you to for further help. They can dig deeper into your app than I can.

Please let us here know what you find!

Hello Steve
I’ve been working around and I seem to have made it work.
But, I don’t understand why this works.
First, I went to the Data pane - chose Columns.
Then, I have 13 name columns such as inch HG, ATM, PSI, and so on.
Then, I clicked on one of them and scrolled down to Auto Compute and chose Spreadsheet formula, where I typed =‘Matrix Default’!C2*Matrix!B2.
Then, I saved it and went back to it, and deleted it.
I repeated this for the remaining name columns.
Now, all the name columns appear on my app and are functioning as expected.

Do you know what this Spreadsheet formula actually does?
My Excel worksheet has many formulas on each cell.

Thank you.

I have no idea what the spreadsheet formulas do, but I do know the occurrence of spreadsheet formulas can produce unexpected behavior with AppSheet. I apologize for not thinking of it! I’m glad you figured it out, and thank you for sharing the solution.

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