Data masking after entry

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Hi there! 
I am looking for assistance on data masking. 

what i mean is that, i have a form for users to fill out, however when the user fills it out and it sends back to my google spreadsheet, instead of “A1234567B”, i would like it to be “*****567B” and reflects as such both in app and the spreadsheet. 

thank you!

0 4 248

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

AppSheet provides no way to mask input or display.

Yes, rightly to say, it is impossible with Appsheet.

thank you for your and @Koichi_Tsuji ‘s prompt reply and sorry for my late reply..

Noted on the above. In that case, would there be a way if the app then just registers the last 4 characters of the user’s input into the form, regardless of their length of input? 

User inputs “abcdefghlmn” into form, appsheet registers/takes in only “hlmn”


User inputs “1234567890” into form, appsheet registers/takes in only “7890”


thanks once again for your replies!

Both, masking or trimming of user input can only probably be achieved by: 

  1. Saving user input in a column.n
  2. A form saved action saving the calculated masked/trimmed value in another column, then blanking out user's input from the original column
  3. In all of your views, other than the form, show the calculated column instead of the now-blanked user's input column.
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