Data table 'xxx' is not accessible due to: Expected to read 243 payload bytes but only received 73

Hello community,

since a few weeks we started to face the following issue.
Some Adds, Edits and Sync run into an error with following description:

Error: Data table 'xxx' is not accessible due to: Expected to read 243 payload bytes but only received 73..",

The bytes missing obviously differ each time. It is not a general error, but occurs several times a day. With the same user at a different time, everything is fine. With different users, at the same time, everything is fine.

Datasource: MySQL (AWS Aurora Serverless V1) SSL enforced, TLS 1.2

Does anyone else have this issue? Any Idea what could be the reason for this?

0 1 505

I suggest you to ask help on support, and since you seem to be an enterprise client they should answer soon

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