Date resetting upon edit to time slots

Good Day! I have an app for our warehouse that loads are entered with a load date and late when the truck has been scheduled the load time and end load time are entered. My issue is every time we enter the load and end time in the quick edit on the load detail it clears the load date. What setting do I have set wrong?






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In the "Load Date" column, do you have the option "Reset on edit" set as ON?

No. I thought I did but it is unchecked 



If you modify the record with opening the form view, does it reset the date if one of those columns are updated?

Yes it still resets the date

Does it reset the date right away when you open the form view or when you update the time?

The date is reset on sync. it holds after you save it but then resets when the app syncs 

Then it sounds your column type is not properly set in your data source. Please check that one.

Iโ€™ve looked at it 100 times. And canโ€™t see any thing off on any of the 3  columns. Has me a bit stumped 

Any Bot that could reset the date value?

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