Deck didn't show right information

Hi guys!

I used my raw data to creat an app for company's work-flow right now, but I find some bug that I can't link to right place.

It's something like :

I click  A card, it shoud show the information from A line.

but it show the information from B line.

If anybody know how to fix it,please tell me : )

Sorry for pool English, have a nice day!

0 2 62

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please feel free to post in your native language if doing so makes it easier to explain your problem.

In order to help, we need a better idea how your app works. Please post a screenshot of the configuration of the view the user is in to click on card A. Please also post a screenshot of the app emulator in the app editor showing that view in the app.

Thanks Steve!
I will try to bring more information to here!

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