Defaul folder for saving and downloading PDF files

I've never come across this before as mainly I just have bots email PDF documents created from a template.  But I have a client that insists the app user has to be able to download a PDF file.

The default folder has not been changed, its still "/appsheet/data/ABCApp/".  But I don't normally use this folder.  I instead first create a Google sheets file in "/clients/ABC/ABCApp/" then create the app from that file.  Which has never really caused me an issue before since the app would always create folders like this "/clients/ABC/ABCApp/TableName_Images".  But this is an app that I'm going to have to transfer to the client when I'm done so the actual folder being used is "/Shared With Me/ABC/".  Hope this is all clear so far...

So I've set up a bot so that after you have saved a record it creates a PDF file and saves it into a folder.  The current issue I have is that when you save the file it puts it in "/appsheet/data/ABCApp/PDF Storage/" yet when you have a File type column reference this file its defaulting to looking in "/Shared With Me/ABC/PDF Storage/".

Whats the best solution to fix this.  My options AFAIK are:

  • Create a shortcut to "/appsheet/data/ABCApp/PDF Storage/" in "/Shared With Me/ABC/"?
  • Change the default folder setting
  • Setup a Shared Drive
  • Something else?

Note what ever option is best, it has to remain working after the app has been transferred to their account, or with just some minor mods.

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Not in your options and I'm not sure if you will allow it, but I usually ask my clients to copy it because it will force the Google Sheets to be saved in the /appsheet/data/AppName and it's less hassle to transfer Google Sheets and Templates

First idea, change your worksheet location

The place where you save your worksheet can be in any random folder inside of your drive, since it's just important the first time your setup the app, then you can move it and update the folders. This means that I strongly suggest you to move the worksheet to the default app folder AppSheet creates for the app as soon as you start it, so that you can then point to this new place for the first table added in the editor and then all of the others one are easily added with the new location... so:

  1. Create a worksheet anywhere (seriously)
  2. Create a new AppSheet app pointing this worksheet.
  3. Change the location of the worksheet to the newly created Default App Folder
  4. Point the table that is added in the editor to the new location of the worksheet.
  5. Add the rest of the tables as normal, those will be pointing to the second location already

This way both -docs made through automation and files saved through the app- are going to be under the folder hierarchy of the worksheet, inside the Default App Folder.

Second idea, change your DAF location

This is easier than the previous one, but is the same principle.

  1. Create the worksheet on a meaninful location (like your Clients/ABC)
  2. Create a new AppSheet app pointing to this worksheet.
  3. As soon as the app is made, change the DAF to the same folder you made for this app.

This is sometimes a better option considering that having a one-folder-fits-all for every single AppSheet app (the one configured in your account) is clearly not always the bets.

Third idea... one level up

This is mostly what I do.
My DAF for my whole account is AppSheet/data, so I create worksheets in the AppSheet folder. This way the worksheet is just two levels up the DAF for the app. You can also create it in the /data folder... then it's just one level.
The only problem with this is that you have to add a path to every single place you upload a file to make sure it falls into the right folder, generally with some CONCATENATE("data/", CONTEXT(AppName))

Finally, the best one

Combine one and two. This way you can isolate both, the DAF for the app as well as the Worksheet and share the folder for the app. As mentioned above, when someone copies an app, AppSheet basically does this, puts the worksheet inside the same folder

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