Default Value (initial value) upon updating a form entry

I am looking to make the initial value formula retrigger when editing a form.CADCAD_0-1657631684748.png

The initial value changes depending on the "number of building supports" value (formula) when entering the form for the first time without issue. The problem is, this form is supposed to be reviewed and edited. When editing the initial Value formula doesn't retrigger (Even when reset on edit has been turned on).

  • I tried to use an app formula, but it is not overwritable like an initial value formula is.
  • I tried using a suggested value, but I don't want a list as it doesn't pick a value by default (dropdown).

Is there a work around for this?

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Thank you for the replies. Reset on edit does work, it was my formula that didn't. I kept altering the formula till it worked. I found that I can't us an if statement that uses conditions:

  • [column name]=0
  • [column name]>0
  • isblank([column name])
  • isnotblank([column name])

when the reference column is a number type. Rookie mistakes! 

What worked-   [column name]<1

View solution in original post


If you edit a column's properties, under the section Update behavior there is a checkbox "Reset on edit". If you turn that on the Initial Value formula will be run any time the row is edited.Screen Shot 2022-07-12 at 9.42.26 AM.png

Reset on edit, as @ali-hussain suggested, should be the solution; but I see you mentioned that didn't work already.

Simply turning that toggle on, SHOULD cause the initial value formula to "kick off" every time someone enters the form - as well as any time other updates are made as well.  (Something to keep in mind)

I usually find I have to devise some clever formula inside that reset on edit, to more tightly control when I want things to reset.

You can get really clever here....

  Context("ViewType") = "Form", 


    Context("ViewType") = "Form", 
    NOT(IN([_This], [Some_Column].[Another_Ref].[List_From_Other_Ref_Table]))
[Parent_Ref].[Status] = "Open"



  • This one is handy to get a column to keep updating, until it gets a value; helpful for capturing one-time data points, that won't be available at the creation of the record.  (((You could also create an action, or a bot (which would just run the action) to make this data-change; this is a more clever way of accomplishing things (with less overhead too!!!)))).


and on... and on... and on... (^_^)


Thank you for the replies. Reset on edit does work, it was my formula that didn't. I kept altering the formula till it worked. I found that I can't us an if statement that uses conditions:

  • [column name]=0
  • [column name]>0
  • isblank([column name])
  • isnotblank([column name])

when the reference column is a number type. Rookie mistakes! 

What worked-   [column name]<1

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