
Is there a manual somewhere? What does regenerate structure mean? And whats the deal with the blue dot that appears by menu items. I get that itโ€™s trying to call my attention to it, but why?

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You use regenarate structure of a table, when you have made physical changes in you table structure (eg:changed a name of a column in gsheets, added/deleted/reordered some columns in gsheets,etc)

Just follow the dot. For me it ussualy points to a recomandation , wich I can close

There is substantial help documentation available under section.

Typically please search by the key word. For example in this case , you wish to know โ€œRegenerateโ€ , please search by that word. The following article is result of that search and may help you with โ€œregenerateโ€ explanation.

Even in the AppSheet community , if you search by the word โ€œregenerateโ€ , you will get associated posts questions, tips on that topic.

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