Delete action icon positioning

I have the delete action displayed as prominently. Couple of things. How do I get rid of the action icon menu (the 3 dots on the upper right).

The checkbox to select rows is only available in Deck view
How can I place the selection checkbox / delete action onto my other views? (table, card, map views?)

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Platinum 4

You cannot.

What about displaying the Checkbox on other views?

Table views should automatically have it, just like Deck view, but ONLY if there are actions available in that view and for that table that can be done on multiple items at once (such as Delete).

I wouldnโ€™t expect Map view to allow the ability for bulk actions, this could be a feature request. Map views show a single-item Deck view when a pin is selected, which will contain all actions that you have specified in the appropriate UX Deck View.

I would have expected a card view to allow bulk actions, but apparently it does not. It seems that instead of gives a 3-dots menu for each card, with a popup on the bottom containing the available actions.

Edit. It seems only โ€œlistโ€ type Card give the 3-dots menu, not the other Card layout types.

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