Dependant dropdowns query


I have a spreadsheet called Products.
There are sheets called Group 1, Group 2 etc

Each table in a sheet has columns:

Product, Product Code and Product Description.
Product is a concatenation of Product Code - Product Description which is the Key.

Also have a Sheet called Groups with 1 column called Groups. Data will be Group 1, Group 2, etc.

I want the user to be able to pick the Group from a drop down and then dependant on what group they select show a dropdown of the Products listed in that Groups sheet.

So if they select Group 1 then the next dropdown will list all products from Group 1 sheet.

Is this possible or do I need to create one sheet with a column for Group?

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Should have said that I have a table called Order Details with 2 columns called Product Group and Product. This is where the dropdowns will be.

I have it working but want to know if anyone has a better solution to this method as it is hardcoded and I could have 30 groups. Groups will not be called Group 1,2,3 etc in live version. They will have specific names such as Piping, Vent etc.

Order Details [Product Group] - Valid If : Groups[Group]

Order Details [Product] - Valid If:

[Product Group] = Group 1,Group 1[Product],
[Product Group] = Group 2,Group 2[Product]

May I ask why do you need multi tables if columns are the same? It sounds you could use only one table if you add the Group value as well.

We will have a Master Products table in Excel that will be used by our buyers to help place orders (Not using AppSheet). Its really an inhouse catalogue based on various suppliers products.

There are thousands of products so the Excel sheet is structured with different Product Groups in sheets for ease of use by the buyers.

A subset of this Master sheet will be used in the App for the Orders App.
The subset will be different for each job. Some jobs may only have 10 groups of products that can be selected, others could have 30.

When a new job starts we would like to just use a subset of the Master directly without having to restructure - bring all 30 sheets into one sheet and allocate groups in a group column.

Then your approach is the only solution I can think of.

Ok thanks @Aleksi

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