Dependent dropdown and csv upload incompatibility


I made a table with a dependent dropdown which works fine using the formula:

SELECT(Planilla[TRAZA],([Cod Req]=[_THISROW].[COTIZACION].[Cod Req]))

I tried uploading a CSV to the table from its parent's detail view using 'Execute an action on a set of rows' into the child table and then calling the action to upload a CSV file. The child references the parent via [CodReq].

When I try uploading the CSV  I get the error:

ErrorDescription: Error: Row having key '24b24e92' in table 'Parent table' containing value '8034f9e3' in field 'Producto Solicitado' failed 'Valid_If' condition

I think it is because the CSV does not have [Cod Req] values. Those values are set in automation after the date is uploaded.

Is there any way to have the dependent dropdown only in the form, otherwise allow any value? 

Solved Solved
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If anyone is having the same problem, I was able to solve it by putting the filter in 'Suggested values' instead of 'Valid If'

View solution in original post


If anyone is having the same problem, I was able to solve it by putting the filter in 'Suggested values' instead of 'Valid If'

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