Dependent dropdown but for multiple column


I need to create drop down In which

  1. 1st drop down should be category  ( as mention in the snapshot in the 1st row)
  2. 2nd drop down should be Sub -Category based on what we select on 1st drop down ( Value for each drop down for sub category from 2nd row till ... end):- 
  3. Challenge here we have multiple Column .
  4. for each column first  row value should be come under category and other should be come as sub category based on the selection in the drop down 

For example if i select in 1st drop down as 


then in 2nd drop down we should get drop down for lipstic,body lotion,sunscreen 

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@Marc_Dillon   I seen this already but here we are selecting the 2nd drop down based on 1st column .

In my case based on my 1st drop down i need to select a respective column 

I can't understand what you're describing or how it could possibly be any different from the standard dependent dropdown use-case.

To understand better i took a snapshot of my app 

The structure look like below pic  1.1 


 1st drop down 


2nd drop down not working 


For example i selected in the first drop down :- Cosmetic 



then in  2nd drop down value should be collected under column Cosmetic  which should be look like below pic 



 I hope now u can understand what i m trying to say. 


Ahh, I see now. Your table structure is wrong. It should be like this:

CosmeticSun Screen

i can do this solution but i have 27 column and for each column i have 100 of data . so and column will increases only 


To explain in ur table below pic is attached from ur table where ur making dependent list based on 1st column (Region ) and extracting the values from 2nd column(Country) for same Region "


what r u doing this is correct but in my table more columns are there . Can u just modify ur data column something like below snapshot and make a same drop down from below formate table  . ( Currently here we 3-columns only, I have 27 columns )


Is it possible. kindly response 

Sure, you could make it work. But I'm not going to tell you how, because it's de-normalized data and a bad idea. You'd be setting yourself up for future failure.



@Marc_Dillon   Kindly let me know the solution if know already . Or provide me some references for this . 

it will be great help 

I already told you the best solution, you chose to ignore my advice.

To "solve" it like you're wanting to do, you'd need a giant IFS() expression in your valid_if. For 27 columns, you'd need 27 x 2 arguments in your IFS().


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