Dependent dropdown list get filtered price


I've created a dependent dropdown menu but I'm finding it hard to get the price.

I've managed to get the price by following the exact same route as the previous dropdown lists but the price shows up as a select box, I need the price but I just want it to be on show.

How can I do this?

I've tried using 'App formula' and select the same field but I get this error 'The expression is valid but its result type 'List' is not one of the expected types: Price'

What am I doing wrong?

0 2 80

If I ignore the error and safe the app, I get this error 'Column Name 'Purchase Cost (Per Metre)' in Schema 'Quotes_Schema' of Column Type 'Price' has an invalid app formula '=Media[Purchase Cost (Per Metre)]'. The type of the app formula 'List of Price' does not match the column type 'Price'.'

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Use Valid If rather than App formula.

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