Dependent dropdown ref


I have 3 tables -

Table A is the main table, with column for Subject, column for Category, and column for Sub-Category.
Table B is with column for Category ID and column for Category name.
Table C is with column for Sub-Category ID, column for Sub-Category name, and column for the main category (defined as ref to Table B-->Category ID).

The column for Category in table A is ref to Table B-->Category ID
The column for Sub-Category in table A is ref to Table C-->Sub-Category ID.

now when I'm filling the form for table A I need to choose manually the sub-category.

I want to be able to choose the main category, and then in the next field there will be only the sub-categories for the main category that I chose.

Whats the best way to define it?

or is there smarter way to rebuild the structure?

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š





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Thank you Steve it was helpful, I combined table B+C to one table and it works. The only problem I have now, is that when I used the categories as ref I was able to add new ones in the main form from the drop-down list of the categories, now this option disappeared and I have no clue how to restore it.

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