Detail card layout How can I remove duplicate columns / fields?

I have a detail view with the "Use Card Layout" toggle turned on. I have Title, Description, % Complete, and Status columns assigned to fields in the header layout. Below that header view, along with all my other columns I also have those same columns below. As I have those data columns at the top in the card, I don't want them duplicated in the view further down. How can I remove them from the view? At the moment am using column order to put those columns at the bottom.

I tried to add a condition to the show formula box so that if the view title is Project Detail, then don't show them, however as soon as I did that they also weren't shows in the card at the top so I had to remove that go get them back. 

Anyone have any ideas on how I can remove % complete, title and status from the page since they are already used in the header?





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  • UX

@clintinthecode wrote:

I have put the title and status at the bottom of the page

Does this mean you have the title and status listed in Column order?

If so just remove them. And you can simply display the rest of the columns in any order you want.

Maybe I do not fully understand what you are trying to do.

A picture of your UX definition may be helpful.

View solution in original post


If you do not select the unwanted columns in your Column Order, they should only appear in the header section..

In the colums of the table, if I turn off show, then they also disappear from the header section.

I can't see any options in the UX of the detail view to choose what columns to show and now show

The cols (ID, Category, Name) in the header section do not need to be in Column Order for me....



I am able to change the order too, I have put the title and status at the bottom of the page. I don't want to change the order, I want to remove title and status from the page since they are already listed in the header of the card and having them on the page is a duplicate.

@clintinthecode wrote:

I have put the title and status at the bottom of the page

Does this mean you have the title and status listed in Column order?

If so just remove them. And you can simply display the rest of the columns in any order you want.

Maybe I do not fully understand what you are trying to do.

A picture of your UX definition may be helpful.

Ahh ive just realised I had All other columns in there, removing that has fixed it

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