Detail view not showing the correct row data! HELP!!!

Hi, coming from Glide Apps I'm very pleased to work with AppSheet, it is way better than the other. But I ran into a problem, it seems like a bug, but since I'm new in this platform I can't be shure about what it is. Hope someone can help me!

I have a deck view displaying an slice data. In that view each "card" has the correct data of each column of each row: name and address, image below


But, when navigating to the details view, seems that the displayed data of each column is not of the selected row, but of the first row (record). When I click on the row "Camila Polo",


It opens the details view with the wrong data, the data of the first row in the slices, in this case the "Freddy Jaramillo" one. That happens with all the details view of that slices.


Any thoughts @Steve@dbaum , @WillowMobileSys ? 

Solved Solved
0 2 464

I created a new slice and a new view for that slice and worked fine! ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

View solution in original post


Hi, it sounds your values in the key column are not unique. The easiest way to check this is to change it to _rownumber temporarely.

I created a new slice and a new view for that slice and worked fine! ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

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