Detail view question

Is there a way to change the appearance of the app link text as shown in the attached pic? And/or is there a way to allow the user to click on the image shown in the detail view to access the link?

Trying to make the app more visually appealing and user friendly. Thanks

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I donโ€™t think an App column is intended for display at all; instead, use itโ€™s value as the target of an action of type App: Go to another app or App: got to another view in this app.

I donโ€™t follow. I am trying to avoid multiple action buttons on the detail view. The user opens app, sees the images on the home screen (attached), clicks image to see detail view and then the only way I could the next view was to have the app link, attachment, external link columns show.

Is there a better way? Iโ€™d really love to skip a detail view all together and just have the user be able to click on the image from the home screen take them to the right view but this wasnโ€™t possible.

You can create a LINKTOVIEW action and assign it as a Row Selected property

Row Selected?? I donโ€™t see that. The only option is to display inline and attach to a column but that doesnโ€™t really work when I have 5 images, each with a different /unique view .

So i did find row selected in the ux view, i was looking in the behavior action, but that still doesnโ€™t help me since I can not associate a different action to each individual image and they are all on the same sheet. itโ€™s a shame that with the gallery view and detail view you canโ€™t specify a different action for each image or row.

You canโ€™t attach different actions, but your action can use an expression to choose the target according to the button tapped.

Yes, but wouldnโ€™t that require multiple buttons? Thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m trying to avoid.

Nope. And it wouldnโ€™t be a button. Instead, when the user clicks on the row itself, your custom action would be performed.

When you say row, are you talking about the image from the gallery view or another view?

Create an action of type App: go to another view within this app, with a target expression of [App Link], an Only if this condition is true expression of ISNOTBLANK([App Link]), and a prominence of Do not display.

Then go to your gallery view configuration and change the Row Selected setting to that newly-created action.

Save your changes.

Then, when you click on an entry in the gallery view, youโ€™ll go straight to the evac center rather than to the detail page.

So if I have 5 images on the gallery view I can do this so each image goes to different place?

The action will send the user to whatever view the App Link column value directs. So if each row has a different App Link value, each gallery entry will send the user to a different view when clicked.

So i was able to get just one action button per detail view based on image selected. Is this the best I can do or can I get that action to actually work when the image from the gallery view is selected? I guess having a detail page isnโ€™t a bad idea, just not sure if itโ€™s asking the user to click too many times.

and the app link stuff no longer shows

@Steve would you have time to look at this and give some feedback? Itโ€™s the โ€œpublicโ€ app. They decided they liked the detail view so we could provide some additional information. Feel free to fill out the form if you want.


Not a fan of the intermediate detail page, but I can understand the desire to keep it.

In the details pages, consider making Item a heading column. Also consider turning off column names in the details pages.

On the several details pages, it says:

NOTE: If you are using an Android device and installed the app and have trouble opening the PDF from the link, please try the browser app link instead.

I donโ€™t see anything on the view that might be "the browser app linkโ€™.

On the Self Registration Form, the row key appears to be both exposed and editable. I would recommend either hiding the column or setting its Editable? property to the expression, FALSE, to prevent user modification.

Thank you! I agree with the intermediate detail page - adds an extra step. I appreciate you taking the time - I didnโ€™t even know I could turn off the column names - looks better.

@Steve - last question - is there a way to change the font color for the column heading? 2X_1_154d7fc1705d6fadae0922fbcd3f6d1082322670.jpeg

Good question! I donโ€™t know. You could try a format rule.

That worked - sorry - I should have thought of that!

This is where a DECK view would work so much better if it just allowed wrapped text. You get all the summary info in a quick way, and action bar to boot.

Have you tried the new CARD view? Wondering if that would be cleaner and allow you to skip the intermediate details page? Just a thoughtโ€ฆ


We started with deck view - but since I have multiple links (attachment, external, other app view) -the deck view got a bit โ€œbusyโ€.

I only played with card view a little - didnโ€™t seem it would work for a โ€œhome pageโ€ .

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