๐Ÿ‘€ Different Views Depending on a User


1. A teacher fills out a tech request form below.

2. An Assigned Tech receives an email notification sent by AppSheet Automation.

3. An assigned tech then goes to the actual spreadsheet where AppSheeet data is recorded to retrieve details of the request and make updates. 

Screenshot 2022-11-15 at 9.43.19 AM.png

Question: How can I create a different view in the application that will be available only to technicians? In other words, I want technicians to work from within the application rather than going to the spreadsheet to retrieve details and update the status of the request. I am very new to AppSheet, so the more you dumb it down for me the better ๐Ÿ™‚   

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  • UX

By setting a "show if" condition on the View that returns true if the current user, identified by USEREMAIL() in conjunction with a users table, is a technician. As well as setting the show if for the other views to only show for those identified as teachers.


Do I understand correctly that for this solution to work, a user will need to sign into the application to access certain views? 

Is it possible to keep the application open to anyone to submit the tech ticket while giving technicians an opportunity to sign in to get access to a restricted view? 

User the view's Show if property to govern which users can see it. You can use there an expression that reference's the current user's email (using USEREMAIL() - AppSheet Help) or, if you have a Users table, something like a role or permission (e.g., using the technique detailed at Current User (Slice) | How to conform your app a... - Google Cloud Community ).

I guess the first step would be to make my application require a sign-in, right? 

@Evgenii_P wrote:

I guess the first step would be to make my application require a sign-in, right? 

That's indeed the only way to authenticate a user and Limit users to their own data - AppSheet Help

@Evgenii_P wrote:

Is it possible to keep the application open to anyone to submit the tech ticket while giving technicians an opportunity to sign in to get access to a restricted view? 

If you want to authenticate some users and not others, you could create two apps both connected to the same data source.

In any scenario, if you haven't already, you definitely need to think through your account's AppSheet plan and whether it is for public apps (pay per app) or not (pay per user).

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