Difficult problem with Inventory management (Detailed explanation)

Hi Guys!

The problem is the following:

I have a table called "Productos Inventory", like this, which has a Product Column and Sucursal (warehouse) Column, that identifies the Product where it comes from.


I would like to change Id Inventario productos to a unique ID, because as you can see, I have only 3 products, Miel de abejas 500 gr, Miel de abejas 350 gr, and Flete. But I have 3 rows from every product because I have differente warehouses where the product is Located.  The problem begins when I try to give every product (Product - Warehouse) an unique ID because I have another table called Transfer between warehouses (where as its name says, does the transfers between warehouses), and I have not found a way to sum the transfers from one warehouse to other if the ID's are different (having in mind that currently I can do it with a the same Id).

The following table is called "Transfers between warehouses).


Can you give me any hint, tip, or trick in order to do so? 

Thank you very much!


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Si estás manejando pesos mexicanos como moneda... está muy cara tu miel xD

primer consejo los ID de tus productos tendrían que ser únicos y no repetirse

Como funcionaria?
En el momento en el que vas a realizar una transferencia de una sucursal a otra, al seleccionar la sucursal de origen deberían filtrarse las opciones para productos dandote sólo los productos que corresponden a la sucursal de origen. y eso deberia solucionar tu problema.

Cómo lograrlo?
a la columna [Producto] debería ser tipo Enum y su Base type details Ref ,con  una fórmula en el valid if. similar a...

SELECT(Inventario Productos[ID Inventario Productos], [Sucursal] = [_THISROW].[Origen Sucursal])

 No se si sea la forma adecuada de lograr lo que buscas pero espero te sirva 

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