Disable Event Actions on Deck View


How do I disable Event Actions on Deck View? I don’t want anyone to be able to click or swipe on any items.


Kyle R. Brady

0 6 407
  • UX

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

That’s a very good question! I’m not sure there is a way! I’ll ask internally.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

It appears if you have the swipe actions set to **auto**, nothing happens when you swipe, so it would appear your question then boils down to how to disable the Row Selected event action. Is that correct?

Yes, but, given your answer here, this question no longer matters. I’ll have to allow the row selected action to allow the viewing of further detail. It’s just not what I wanted for UX flow.



Hi Steve, that would be my question. Is there any chance you could ask internally? TIA

Hi  @Bethel_Vasto 

Here is what I would do to disable the Row actions in a deck view named v_s_tabl :

  • Say the table concerned is called "Tabl"
  • On table Tabl create an action and name it "a_tabl_nop" and choose "Do this" = "Grouped ..." but add no action in the ordered list of actions. (nop is an acronym for "No operation")
  • On table Tabl create a slice and name it "s_tabl", leave the filter as True, choose "All columns". In the slice actions choose "a_tabl_nop" and also add the other actions that you want to be available in your view.
  • Create a view and name it "v_s_tabl", choose "For this data" = "s_tabl", choose view type = deck, in the Event actions, choose Row Selected = a_tabl_nop, Row Swiped left = a_tabl_nop, Row Swiped right = a_tabl_nop.

I always put views on slices, so that I have full control on which actions are available in a view.

Please let me know if this works for you.


mind blown! I'll try it! thanks! 

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