Display Last Sync Date

We have enabled "Delayed Sync" since it takes 10-20 secs to sync each time (that is another issue for another time). For now, I want to know if there is a way to display date and time for last sync on the header, so users don't have to unnecessarily sync when the system may have done in the background. 


2 5 393

You'd be doubling your syncs if you did this....

  • One for the actual edit
  • One for the audit record


Perhaps the solution lies with utilizing force syncs?

Shop Cart 2 - Force Sync.jpg


The problem you'll run into is... where is this "last edit timestamp" stored?  How do you efficiently get this information?  (Select() is not the answer...

There might be some other strategies you can use to help alleviate this problem.

Maybe add a virtual column in some small and otherwise unused table, with the expression of NOW(), and display that value with an ANY().

That's what I was alluding to with the "you'll double your syncs".... and if things are taking long already....

No "easy" or "cheap" solution for this one really....  would be nice if there was a way to call the last update time with CONTEXT() or something...

What if I have a formula in a view title which includes current time, such as CONCATENATE("Sales ", ": Last synced at ", NOW()). I am trying it but I am not sure if this will display the last sync date. 

That will update over time, instead of staying static based on sync times.

In order to get the last sync time, since we can't access it natively, you'll have to build something into your system to accomplish this - which is going to double your sync count (one for the sync, one for the recording of the last timestamp).

Typically when I fall into a scenario like this, I'll take a step back and see if there's a way that I can change how the entire interaction flow happens - seeing if there's a place where I can insert a forced sync. 

This typically solves a lot of these problems, as the critical information is now pushed to the cloud ASAP - though it doesn't solve the problem of "getting info from other apps"... that's still gonna require someone to actually sync the app.

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