Display Property of a Form to show a field from the record being edited

I have an app called Evals. Project Managers fill out performance evaluations for Foremen that have worked on their jobs. The evaluation form has 8 tabs in it, and I want the NAME of the employee that is being evaluated to show at the top of the screen, so the Project Manager doesnโ€™t forget who they are evaluating. I got it to work the way I want up to the Detail screen, but as soon as I select EDIT to get into the evaluation form where the questions/tabs are that is where I canโ€™t get it to work (and that is where I need it). When I add Evals[Employee] in the โ€œDisplayโ€ property of the form, it says: โ€œThis formula is not evaluated in the context of a row, so column values are not availableโ€

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Please evaluate if the following workaround as demonstrated in the video clip below will do.

In the form above once the name is entered, it is displayed on subsequent form pages from page 2 onwards.

The workaround will need 7 section header category show columns placed just below page header show columns in your case with a โ€œContentโ€ field expression of the show column as "Page Number - " &[Name] or simply [Name]

The name entered on the first page will then show at the top in all forms tabs.

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Please evaluate if the following workaround as demonstrated in the video clip below will do.

In the form above once the name is entered, it is displayed on subsequent form pages from page 2 onwards.

The workaround will need 7 section header category show columns placed just below page header show columns in your case with a โ€œContentโ€ field expression of the show column as "Page Number - " &[Name] or simply [Name]

The name entered on the first page will then show at the top in all forms tabs.

Thank you for the video. Would I be able to accomplish this with โ€œVirtual columnsโ€ or do I need actual fields in my data source?

The columns can be VCs as well. However since VCs are placed in the last in a table, you will need to define the column order of the form carefully either in a slice and use that slice as an input to the form. Alternatively, you can define the column order in the form view itself. In the case of VCs, you will need to have the app formula something like โ€œTestโ€ or some such text so that VCs do not give app formula missing error. The content setting of VC columns can be [Name]

With real columns, you will need to add 7 columns in the spreadsheet, however since those are show columns they will not be populated with any data. They will be just placeholders in the spreadhseet. However, if you simply place those section header columns after each of those page header show columns, you need not manually define the column order either in slice or form view.

THANK YOU!!! That is working well! I will definitely use this method you just showed me and I am very grateful, but yust out of curiosity, is there any way to get that data to be in the UX display at the very top?

I obviously first tried to display it in the header. But that does not seem to be possible. That is why suggested the alternative.

Will definitely repost if can think if a way to display it in the header.

No need. I actually have your alternative way all set up and working perfectly. I was just curious. Thank you so much!!

Just thought of posting another simpler approach if it helps. It sounds that the questions in your app are fairly long sentences. So you seem to have used display name properties of the columns.

If so, you could easily concatenate the [Name] with the questionโ€™s display text. This will ensure that even if the evaluator scrolls anywhere in the form page, she/he always has the name of the person being evaluated displayed. For additional emphasis, the name can be in upper case letters.

So in the image below, the display name for question 1 has the expression

UPPER([Name])& " completes all work thoroughly."

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