Display Value of a Ref table

I have a form where two columns reference a staff list table.

They obviously need to reference the Key in the employee table (which is a auto Unique ID)......but how do I change the DISPLAYED value to the NAME of the employee.......see below screenshot.....not much use displaying the unique ID.....



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Hi dbaum, 

Name is already selected as the Label. The Name shows everywhere else I need it too except for in the Spreadsheet Data and also when the Data is exported into a PDF template.

Anyway around it?

I see. I assumed your screenshot was from the app UI. I realize now it's probably from an output (e.g., email or file) created via an automation. As @Marc_Dillon noted, use a dereference expression in the template for the output. For example:



Hmmm.....does this mean I will need to add another column to take the Dereferenced value? Thats doable I guess.....I can hide the column which displayes the key.


No, you can just put the dereference expression in the template.

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