Display the Highest Number of a Text Record Type


Newbie to app development here! This is my favourite lyric storing app. I would like one of my views to be a form view with the values auto computed/populated to display the highest count of particular text based entry. 

For example, in image one The Smiths has three entries and is therefore the artist with the most records, or "Top Artist" as I have named the field where I want The Smiths to appear in the form view and therefore be displayed. 

Is this possible?


Table 1.jpgdisplay in form.jpg

0 2 71

Yes.  The way I would tackle this is to have an Artists table.  In that table keep a count of the number of tracks entered for the artist in a column maybe named [Track Count].

The Top Artist field can be assigned with an expression like:

MAXROW("Artists", "Track Count")

This assigns the row key of the Artist with the largest number of tracks.  If the Top Artist column is setup as a REF column and proper Label column, the NAME of the artist will display.


Thank you so much, can you help me with the formula for keeping a count of the number of tracks entered? Sorry if that's really basic, that's how new I am to expressions. I'm trying COUNT(table 1[Artists]) but to no avail. 

Thanks again

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