Displaying non-label column

I want to display a list of UPCโ€™s based off an Enum list of titles. I have the title column set as an Enum list ref. Not sure how to set up UPCโ€™s.

Basically I want the inventory table to display the UPCโ€™s that make up an SKU. An SKU can have multiple UPCโ€™s and one UPC can be in multiple SKUโ€™s, but each UPC is unique.

So if I create and SKU for Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, it should contain the titles and UPCโ€™s in their respective columns for Bread, Peanut Butter, and Jelly.

Please help. I feel like I have tried everything.

0 8 147

Try a โ€œlist dereferenceโ€?

[title column][UPC column in ref'd table]

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

For reference:

@Steve this article:

โ€ฆshould have a โ€œSee alsoโ€ pointing to the โ€œList derefโ€ article.

Purely on the lighter side, we could request @steve to โ€œreferenceโ€ the โ€œList Rereferenceโ€ article in โ€œDereference Expressionsโ€ article with โ€œis part ofโ€ relationship.

I added info inline. Thanks for mentioning it!

@Marc_Dillon & @Steve, it seems to be working for the inventory table, but Iโ€™m having trouble getting the same items in the drop down if the UPC is created from a purchase order.

Basically a client should be able to create a UPC from either the purchase order form or the inventory form. I want the same UPCโ€™s to show up on both however, on the Purchase Order Form, they can only add one UPC per line and on the inventory form they can add multiple UPCโ€™s per MSKU.

The UPC column on the Purchase Order Form is a Ref type and the UPC column on the inventory table is

What am I doing wrong?

I think you need to include screenshots of the data setup and what exactly isnโ€™t working, because I wasnโ€™t able to understand any of that.

I got it working, for now. I read all the articles I could about dereferences and lists and just used the SELECT() functions to pull the data. This is showing the UPCโ€™s and titles on both the purchase order form and inventory form, regardless of where itโ€™s created from.

I appreciate all the help!!!

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