Does Format Rules work on Virtual Columns?

I am trying to make the Specific Cell in the Table View become Red if [Slot 01 Status] = "TAKEN" as seen below. However, its not turning red. How can I make this works or what workarounds can I do to turn the Specific Red. 

Additional Info: [Slot 01 Status] is a Virtual Column with Values of either "TAKEN" OR "NOT TAKEN".

[Date] & [Schedule] are Actual Columns in my Excel Data




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Try it without the [_THISROW].


I tried it but it doesn't work, all those Rows with "NOT TAKEN" are also highlighted. Furthermore, the Virtual Column [Slot 01 Status] is not highlighted when I specified it as well as other columns to be submitted as seen below.



Ahh, but now the conditional formatting has started kicking in, whereas before it wasn't.

The screen you have screenshotted looks like a view before you have Saved?  Sometimes the editor shows the wrong results at the beginning...Apologies if you've tried that.

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