Download multiple images

I am looking for a way of creating a button or Bot that when I am in a report I can download all the related photos rather than going into each one and saving as an image?

0 12 168

Can you explain us what you can do today?
I donโ€™t get if you managed to attached the images or not.
Also Iโ€™m assuming you are talking about a Bot that sends an email.
I have a template where I add the images as individual pages for example but I donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s what you need

I have a form which has a related photos to it. Once someone has completed the form and added the hotos i want to be able to download that group of photos rather than going through each one and saving it.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Not possible (with AppSheeet).

Thanks Steve, dont suppose there is anyway of using a template with the pictures attached other than a pdf? Something where you could right click and save the image rather than having to get through each record on appsheet.

You are talking about three different things.
Templates are generaly something you make to generate a pdf file or similar.
You can attached as much stuff as you want to an email
Dive into records on AppSheet is something you do from AppSheet, the previous stuff make the images available to any recipient of the email

You are correct however some clients need to download the images from appsheet so they can uploaded them to other client systems. The issue being that currently on appsheet they would have to go to each image and download manually. My point was, if it was simplier to download a document with all the images and save them from that location rather than going into each record on appsheet.

Just to make it clear.
By document you mean like a zip?

yes a zip would work or even a html document with the pictures and then just right click and save

This is 100% imposible

This can be done but I donโ€™t know how this could help you to save all images at once. Itโ€™s like making a pdf from my pov

Could you advise how to do the zip?

What you want is well outside what AppSheet is designed to provide.

I thought so, thanks anyway Steve

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