DropDown Column with user selection tracking

Is is possible to create a Drop Down column:

  1. where each user can select an option,
  2. The user AND what they selected gets recorded, and can be updated
  3. Users can't see what overs selected

Additional question does user access to google sheets backends conflict with security set within the app?  

0 4 76

I have tried this multiple times now, and it's not working which is why I am additionally asking, if google sheet permissions can also cause conflicts.

I've tried:

and a few others, but users are still able to see everything.


is Require user signin setting enabled in your app

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Yes, it's possible to (1), (2), and (3).

@hartable wrote:

does user access to google sheets backends conflict with security set within the app?

It can if your app is configured to access the spreadsheet as the app user rather than as the app owner. Nearly all apps ar best configured to access the spreadsheet as the app owner.


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