Duplicate Rows with Same ID on Action Click (AppSheet - Quick Sync)

Dear Appsheet Team, 

We have encountered a critical bug in AppSheet's Quick Sync feature. When clicking an Action for a row, the system automatically duplicates the row with the same ID, resulting in two rows with different statuses.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Enable Quick Sync in AppSheet.
2. Click an Action on a specific row.
3. A new row with the same ID but a different status is created.


Expected Behavior:
Clicking an Action should update the row's status without creating duplicates.

This bug affects data integrity and causes confusion for users.

Please investigate and address this issue urgently to ensure data accuracy.

Thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

5 5 265

I think this bus is because AppSheet just auto-real-time sync text but not syncing files and media immediately until the user presses physical sync. So when user2 updates but didn't accept enough files or images, one duplicated row will be added. 

Please consider this bug and fix it asap.

Thanks for your suggestion. This table doesn't contain any image or attached file, only basic data. Yet, other tables include images.
I'm uncertain if they're connected, but it's a critical bug as it doubles my payment amount.

And when you set the "Quick sync" option as OFF, the action works properly?

Yes, the action works fine when the "Quick sync" option is turned off, leading me to suspect that there might be a bug associated with the Quick Sync functionality causing the issue.

Would you please send a support ticket. Though that feature is still in Beta, but anyway..

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