Duration Expressions

Curious, are there built in expressions to convert a duration into an hours and minutes automagically?

I am working on building a call tracking app, with the hopes to tie it in with APIs from the phone system vendor.

I set up a simple form to start and added a formula to call duration to calculate end time minus start time, but would love to convert the result for, say, 1:47 to "1 hr 47 min" or something like that. I added the virtual column "Call Duration in Minutes" just to play with the MINUTES() expression and experiment with a few different things and learn what i can do with the resulting duration value.
Screenshot 2022-07-25 11.04.44.png

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Looks like you've got what you need. What are you looking to us for?

i "think" i'm good. I realize that by using CONCATENATE, I am converting the numbers to text, essentially, so I suppose i need a few columns to run calculations and conversions, then i need to decide what i want to actually display.

Hiii mykrobinson,

can you please suggest me how to get call end time.


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